Having Clips4Sale.com distribute your media is Easy, Fast & Free. In less than 10 Minutes your account will be up and running! If you are a producer or authorized content re-seller, Clips4Sale.com can securely host your media and enable you to open a studio to offer it for sale. Approved producers and re-sellers can upload their media to their Clips4Sale.com studio account. Each time media is purchased from your studio, the producer/re-seller earns revenue. When you have met or exceeded your selected payout minimum, you will receive a payout on the 7th of the month for the previous month's sales revenue.
Payout minimums start at: ā¢ US and US Territories - $50.00 ā¢ International (Canada) - $100.00 ā¢ International - $150.00
In less than 10 Minutes your account will be up and running! If you are a producer or authorized content re-seller, Clips4Sale.com can securely host your media and enable you to open a studio to offer it for sale. Approved producers and re-sellers can upload their media to their Clips4Sale.com studio account. Each time media is purchased from your studio, the producer/re-seller earns revenue. When you have met or exceeded your selected payout minimum, you will receive a payout on the 7th of the month for the previous month's sales revenue.
Payout minimums start at:
ā¢ US and US Territories - $50.00
ā¢ International (Canada) - $100.00
ā¢ International - $150.00